Capsim Block List

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node Function has a single input buffer, and outputs each input sample to an arbitrary number of output buffers.
nonlin Gives two outputs for bifurcation diagram
nor Function performs logical "nor" of all its input samples.
null This star does nothing, simply puts its input samples on its output buffer. It is useful as a temporary substitute for a star.
offset DC offset star
operate Perform operations on input buffer.
or Function performs logical "or" of all its input samples
phi_meter This star finds the relative phase of a signal to a reference.
pllfilt This star implements a loop filter as a recursive equation: y(n)=2*y(n-1)-y(n-2) +g1*[x(n)-2*x(n-1)+x(n-2)] +g2*[x(n)-x(n-1)] +g3*x(n)
plottxt Plot probe.
pngen2 This function generates a random sequence of bits, which can be usedto exercise a data transmission system. The early, reference, and late signals are generated with the earlysignal shifted with the positive edge of the input clock. Any degree polynomial can be implemented as specified in a parameter array.
pngen This function generates a random sequence of bits, which can be used to exercise a data transmission system.The early, reference, and late signals are generated with the early signal shifted with the positive edge of the input clock.
powmeter This star is an averaging logarithmic power meter, which can be connected either in-line or terminating.
prbinimage Inputs image and stores as binary to file.
predftf This star implements a multichannel input/output FIR predictor, which is adapted using the least squares Fast Transversal Filter algorithm.
predlms This star implements a multichannel input/output FIR predictor, which is adapted using the power normalized LMS algorithm.
prfile Prints samples from an arbitrary number of input buffers to a file, which is named as a parameter.
primage Stores image in a file.
pri This star writes the input data on the screen in hex form
pulse This star generates a pulse train.

(c) 1987-2006 XCAD Corporation