Capsim Block List

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inverse This star inverts the incoming data stream and multiplies by the parameter coefficient after inversion , and outputs the resulting data values.
invert This star logically inverts incoming data stream
itf Convert integer buffer to floating point buffer.
jitter This star finds the relative phase of a signal to a reference.
jkfade This star models multipath fading channels for mobile radio applications.
jkff JK flip-flop positive edge triggered
limiter Hard limiter
linecode This star inputs 0/1 binary data and outputs various line codes (NRZ,Biphase Manchester,2B1Q,RZ-AMI).
lms This star implements a simple LMS adaptive filter.
lpc This star computes the LPC parameters of the input samples.
lpf This star implements an IIR filter as a recursive equation: y(n)=pole*y(n-1)+(1-pole)*x(n). This implementation produces unity gain at DC.
mau This star simulates an Ethernet media access unit (MAU or transceiver)
mbset Gives one outputs for Mandelbrot Set
mixer This star takes two inputs and produces their product.
more Function prints samples from an arbitrary number of input buffers to the terminal output using the "more" command (one sample from each input is printed on each line)
mulaw This star implements a mulaw quantizer
multiply Function multiplies all its input samples to yield an output sample
mux This star actively selects one input data channel to send to its output.
nand Function performs logical "nand" of all its input samples to yield an output sample.
nl Normalized Lattice Filter

(c) 1987-2006 XCAD Corporation