Capsim Block List

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hilbert Discrete Hilbert Transform
hold This star simulates a sample and hold circuit.
iirfil This star designs and implements a cascade form IIR digital filter.
imgaddnoise Input an image and add the following noise to it: Uniform noise. Gaussian noise. Spike noise.
imgbreakup This star inputs an image and creates sub images. The sub images are sequentially output.
imgbuild This star inputs a sequence of images and creates a larger image with the inputted images forming subimages from left to right top to bottom.
imgcalc Perform a mathematical or logical operation on an image using another image.
imgcxmag This star inputs a complex image height*(2*width) and creates a new real image height*width of magnitudes
imgcxtrl This star inputs a complex image height*(2*width) and creates a new real image height*width of only the real part
imgfilter Input an image and filter it. The filter kernel is specified. It must be an ASCII file as follows:
imggen Generate a rectangular image.
imghisteq This star inputs an image and performes an histogram equalization on it.
imginterp This star inputs an image and interpolates it.
imgmanip This star inputs an image and transposes or flips it.
imgmux Multiplex N input image channels to one output channel. The multiplexing order is from input channel 0 to N-1 for N input channels.
imgnonlinfil Input an image and perform nonlinear filtering on it.
imgprasc Input image and store as ASCII in a file
imgprbin Input image and store in binary format in a file.
imgproc This star inputs an image and transposes or flips it.
imgrdasc Read a ASCII image. Read the image and output a single image sample.

(c) 1987-2006 XCAD Corporation